Users and RBAC authorizations in Kubernetes

Users and RBAC authorizations in Kubernetes

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Having your Kubernetes cluster up and running is just the start of your journey and you now need to operate. To secure its access, user identities must be declared along with authentication and authorization properly managed.

This article focus on how to create users with X.509 client certificates and how to manage authorizations with the basic Kubernetes Role-based access control (RBAC) API Objects. We will also talk about some open-source projects which simplify cluster administration: rakkess, kubectl-who-can, rbac-lookup, and RBAC Manager.

Prerequisites and assumptions

We need to make the following assumptions:

If you don’t have at your disposal a Kuberntes cluster, you can follow Arthur’s article Installing Kubernetes on CentOS 7 which uses Vagrant.

We have a 4 nodes Kubernetes cluster, one master and three workers. The master will also be used as our edge node to interact with the cluster.

RBAC API Objects

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of regulating access to computers and network resources based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. We can use Role-based access control on all the Kubernetes resources that allow CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Examples of resources:

Examples of possible operations over these resources are:

  • create
  • get
  • delete
  • list
  • update

To manage RBAC in Kubernetes, we need to declare:

  • Role and ClusterRole
    They are just a set of rules that represent a set of permissions. A Role can only be used to grant access to resources within namespaces. A ClusterRole can be used to grant the same permissions as a Role but they can also be used to grant access to cluster-scoped resources, non-resource endpoints.
  • Subjects
    A subject is the entity that will make operations in the cluster. They can be user accounts, services accounts or even a group.
  • RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding
    As the name implies, it’s just the binding between a subject and a Role or a ClusterRole.

The default Roles defined in Kubernetes are:

We can, of course, create specific Roles and ClusterRoles, but we recommend you to use the default as long as you can. It can quickly become difficult to manage all of this.

Use Case:

We will create two namespaces “my-project-dev” and “my-project-prod” and two users “jean” and “sarah” with different roles to those namespaces:

  • my-project-dev:
    • jean: Edit
  • my-project-prod:
    • jean: View
    • sarah: Edit

Users creation and authentication with X.509 client certificates

We mainly have two types of users: service accounts managed by Kubernetes and normal users. We will focus on normal users. Here is how the official documentation describes a normal user:

Normal users are assumed to be managed by an outside, independent service. An admin distributing private keys, a user store like Keystone or Google Accounts, even a file with a list of usernames and passwords. In this regard, Kubernetes does not have objects which represent normal user accounts. Normal users cannot be added to a cluster through an API call.

They are multiple ways of managing normal users:

  • Basic Authentication:
    • Pass a configuration with content like the following to API Server
      • password,username,uid,group
  • X.509 client certificate
    • Create a user’s private key and a certificate signing request
    • Get it certified by a CA (Kubernetes CA) to have the user’s certificate
  • Bearer Tokens (JSON Web Tokens)
    • OpenID Connect
      • On top of OAuth 2.0
    • Webhooks

For the purpose of this article we will use X.509 client certificates with OpenSSL for their simplicity. There are different steps for users creation. We will go step by step. You have to perform the actions as a user with cluster-admin credentials. These are the steps for user creation (here for “jean”):

  • Create a user on the master machine then go into its home directory to perform the remaining steps.

    useradd jean && cd /home/jean
  • Create a private key:

    openssl genrsa -out jean.key 2048
  • Create a certificate signing request (CSR). CN is the username and O the group. We can set permissions by group, which can simplify management if we have, for example, multiple users with the same authorizations.

    # Without Group
    openssl req -new -key jean.key \
      -out jean.csr \
      -subj "/CN=jean"
    # With a Group where $group is the group name
    openssl req -new -key jean.key \
      -out jean.csr \
      -subj "/CN=jean/O=$group"
    #If the user has multiple groups
    openssl req -new -key jean.key \
      -out jean.csr \
      -subj "/CN=jean/O=$group1/O=$group2/O=$group3"
  • Sign the CSR with the Kubernetes CA. We have to use the CA cert and key which are normally in /etc/kubernetes/pki/. Our certificate will be valid for 500 days.

    openssl x509 -req -in jean.csr \
      -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt \
      -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key \
      -CAcreateserial \
      -out jean.crt -days 500
  • Create a “.certs” directory where we are going to store the user public and private key.

    mkdir .certs && mv jean.crt jean.key .certs
  • Create the user inside Kubernetes.

    kubectl config set-credentials jean \
      --client-certificate=/home/jean/.certs/jean.crt \
  • Create a context for the user.

    kubectl config set-context jean-context \
      --cluster=kubernetes --user=jean
  • Edit the user config file. The config file has the information needed for the authentication to the cluster. You can use the cluster admin config which is normally in /etc/kubernetes. The “certificate-authority-data” and “server” variables have to be as in the cluster admin config.

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
       certificate-authority-data: {Parse content here}
       server: {Parse content here}
      name: kubernetes
    - context:
       cluster: kubernetes
       user: jean
      name: jean-context
    current-context: jean-context
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: jean
       client-certificate: /home/jean/.certs/jean.cert
       client-key: /home/jean/.certs/jean.key

    Then we need to copy the config above in the .kube directory.

    mkdir .kube && vi .kube/config
  • Now we need to grant all the created files and directories to the user:

    chown -R jean: /home/jean/

Now we have a user “jean” created. We will do the same for user “sarah”. There are many steps to perform and it can be very time consuming to do if we have multiple users to create. This is why I edit bash scripts which automate the process. You can find them on my Github repository.

Now we have our users, we can create the two namespaces:

kubectl create namespace my-project-dev
kubectl create namespace my-project-prod

As we have not defined any authorization to the users, they should get forbidden access to all cluster resources.

  • User: Jean
kubectl get nodes
Error from server (Forbidden): nodes is forbidden: User "jean" cannot list resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope
kubectl get pods -n default
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "jean" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
kubectl get pods -n my-project-prod
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "jean" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "my-project-prod"
kubectl get pods -n my-project-dev
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "jean" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "my-project-dev"
  • User: Sarah
kubectl get nodes
Error from server (Forbidden): nodes is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot list resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope
kubectl get pods -n default
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
kubectl get pods -n my-project-prod
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "my-project-prod"
kubectl get pods -n my-project-dev
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "my-project-dev"

Create Role and ClusterRole

We will use the default ClusterRole available. However we will show you how to create specific Role/ClusterRole. A Role/ClusterRole are just a list of verbs (actions) permitted on specific resources and namespaces. Here is an example of a YAML file:

kind: Role
  name: list-deployments
  namespace: my-project-dev
  - apiGroups: [ apps ]
    resources: [ deployments ]
    verbs: [ get, list ]
kind: ClusterRole
  name: list-deployments
  - apiGroups: [ apps ]
    resources: [ deployments ]
    verbs: [ get, list ]

To create them:

kubectl create -f /path/to/your/yaml/file

Bind Role or ClusterRole to Users

We are now going to bind default ClusterRole (Edit and View) to our users as below:

We need to create RoleBinding by namespaces and not by user. It means that for our user “jean” we need to create two RoleBinding for his authorizations. Example of RoleBinding YAML file for Jean:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: jean
  namespace: my-project-dev
- kind: User
  name: jean
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: edit
kind: RoleBinding
  name: jean
  namespace: my-project-prod
- kind: User
  name: jean
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: view

We assign to “jean” the view Role on “my-project-prod” and the edit Role on “my-project-dev”. We will do the same for “sarah” authorizations. To create them:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/your/yaml/file

We have used kubectl apply here instead of kubectl create. The difference between “apply” and “create” is that “create” will create the object if it doesn’t exist and do nothing else. But if we “apply” a yaml file it means that it will create the object if it doesn’t exist and update it if needed.

Let’s check if our users have the right permissions.

  • User: sarah (Edit on “my-project-prod”)
kubectl get pods -n my-project-prod 
No resources found. 

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 -n my-project-prod 
deployment.apps/nginx created 

[sarah@master1 ~]$kubectl get pods -n my-project-prod 
NAME                    READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE 
nginx-7db9fccd9b-t14qw  1/1    Running  0         4s 

kubectl get pods -n my-project-dev
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "my-project-dev"

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 -n my-project-dev 
Error from server (Forbidden): deployments.apps is forbidden: User "sarah" cannot create resource "deployments" in API group "apps" in the namespace "my-project-dev"
kubectl get pods -n my-project-prod 
NAME                    READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE 
nginx-7db9fccd9b-t14qw  1/1    Running  0         101s 

[jean@master1 —]$ kubectl get deploy -n my-project-prod 
nginx  1/1    1           1          110s 

kubectl delete deploy/nginx -n my-project-prod 
Error from server (Forbidden): deployments.extensions "nginx" is forbidden: User "jean" cannot delete resource "deployments" in API group "extensions" in the namespace "my-project-prod" 

kubectl get pods -n my-project-dev
No resources found. 

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=1 -n my-project-dev 
deployment.apps/nginx created 

kubectl get deploy -n my-project-dev 
nginx  0/1    1           0          13s 

kubectl delete deploy/nginx -n my-project-dev 
deployment.extensions "nginx" deleted 

kubectl get deploy -n my-project-dev 
No resources found.

Manage users and theirs authorizations

Now that we have set different roles and authorizations to our users, how can we manage all of this? How can we know if a user has the right access? How to know who can actually perform a specific action? How to have an overview of all the users access? These are the questions we need to answer to ensure cluster security. In Kubernetes we have the command kubectl auth can-i that allows us to know if a user can perform a specific action.

# kubectl auth can-i $action $resource --as $subject

kubectl auth can-i list pods 
kubectl auth can-i list pods --as jean

This first command allows a user to know if he can perform an action. The second command allows an administrator to impersonate a user to know if the targeted user can perform an action. The impersonation can only be used by a user with cluster-admin credentials. Apart from that, we can’t do much more. This is why we will introduce you some open-source projects that allows us to extend the functionalities covered by the kubectl auth can-i command. Before introducing them, we will install some of their dependencies such as Krew and GO.

Installation of GO

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Inspired by C and Pascal, this language was developed by Google from an initial concept of Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Installation of KREW

Krew is a tool that makes it easy to use kubectl plugins. Krew helps you discover plugins, install and manage them on your machine. It is similar to tools like apt, dnf or brew. Krew is only compatible with kubectl v1.12 and above.

set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
curl -fsSLO "{tar.gz,yaml}" &&
tar zxvf krew.tar.gz &&
./krew-"$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64" install \
    --manifest=krew.yaml --archive=krew.tar.gz

export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"


This project helps us to know all the authorizations that have been granted to a user. It helps to answer to the question: what can do “jean”? Firstly, let’s install Rakkess:

kubectl krew install access_matrix

You can find the documentation on the project Github repository. Here is an example:

kubectl access-matrix -n my-project-dev --as jean
NAME                                            LIST  CREATE  UPDATE  DELETE
bindings                                               ✖               
configmaps                                      ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
controllerrevisions.apps                        ✔     ✖       ✖       ✖
cronjobs.batch                                  ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
daemonsets.apps                                 ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
daemonsets.extensions                           ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
deployments.apps                                ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
deployments.extensions                          ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
endpoints                                       ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
events                                          ✔     ✖       ✖       ✖                            ✖     ✖       ✖       ✖
horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling            ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
ingresses.extensions                            ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔                     ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
jobs.batch                                      ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔                      ✖     ✖       ✖       ✖
limitranges                                     ✔     ✖       ✖       ✖         ✖               
networkpolicies.extensions                      ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔               ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
persistentvolumeclaims                          ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
poddisruptionbudgets.policy                     ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
pods                                            ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
podtemplates                                    ✖     ✖       ✖       ✖
replicasets.apps                                ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
replicasets.extensions                          ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
replicationcontrollers                          ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
resourcequotas                                  ✔     ✖       ✖       ✖          ✖     ✖       ✖       ✖                 ✖     ✖       ✖       ✖
secrets                                         ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
serviceaccounts                                 ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
services                                        ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔
statefulsets.apps                               ✔     ✔       ✔       ✔


This project allows us to know who are the users who can perform a specific action. It helps to answer the question: who can do this action? Installation:

go get -v

You can find the documentation on the project Github repository. Here is an example:

kubectl-who-can list pods -n default
No subjects found with permissions to list pods assigned through RoleBindings

CLUSTERROLEBINDING                                    SUBJECT                             TYPE            SA-NAMESPACE
cluster-admin                                         system:masters                      Group           
rbac-manager                                          rbac-manager                        ServiceAccount  rbac-manager
system:controller:attachdetach-controller             attachdetach-controller             ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:clusterrole-aggregation-controller  clusterrole-aggregation-controller  ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:cronjob-controller                  cronjob-controller                  ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:daemon-set-controller               daemon-set-controller               ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:deployment-controller               deployment-controller               ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:endpoint-controller                 endpoint-controller                 ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:generic-garbage-collector           generic-garbage-collector           ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:horizontal-pod-autoscaler           horizontal-pod-autoscaler           ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:job-controller                      job-controller                      ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:namespace-controller                namespace-controller                ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:node-controller                     node-controller                     ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:persistent-volume-binder            persistent-volume-binder            ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:pod-garbage-collector               pod-garbage-collector               ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:pvc-protection-controller           pvc-protection-controller           ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:replicaset-controller               replicaset-controller               ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:replication-controller              replication-controller              ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:resourcequota-controller            resourcequota-controller            ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:controller:statefulset-controller              statefulset-controller              ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:coredns                                        coredns                             ServiceAccount  kube-system
system:kube-controller-manager                        system:kube-controller-manager      User            
system:kube-scheduler                                 system:kube-scheduler               User            


This project permits us to have a RBAC overview. It helps to answer the questions: Which Role has “jean”? “sarah”? All the users? all the group? To install the project:

kubectl krew install rbac-lookup

The official documentation is available on the project Github repository. An example:

kubectl-rbac_lookup jean
jean      my-project-dev    ClusterRole/edit
jean      my-project-prod   ClusterRole/view

kubectl-rbac_lookup sarah
sarah     my-project-prod   ClusterRole/edit

kubectl-rbac_lookup --kind user
SUBJECT                           SCOPE          ROLE
jean                              my-project-dev       ClusterRole/edit
jean                              my-project-prod      ClusterRole/view
sarah                             my-project-prod      ClusterRole/edit
system:anonymous                  kube-public    Role/kubeadm:bootstrap-signer-clusterinfo
system:kube-controller-manager    kube-system    Role/extension-apiserver-authentication-reader
system:kube-controller-manager    kube-system    Role/system::leader-locking-kube-controller-manager
system:kube-controller-manager    cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:kube-controller-manager
system:kube-proxy                 cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:node-proxier
system:kube-scheduler             kube-system    Role/extension-apiserver-authentication-reader
system:kube-scheduler             kube-system    Role/system::leader-locking-kube-scheduler
system:kube-scheduler             cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:kube-scheduler
system:kube-scheduler             cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:volume-scheduler

kubectl-rbac_lookup --kind group
SUBJECT                                            SCOPE          ROLE
system:authenticated                               cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:basic-user
system:authenticated                               cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:discovery
system:authenticated                               cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:public-info-viewer
system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token    cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:node-bootstrapper
system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token    cluster-wide   ClusterRole/
system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token    kube-system    Role/kube-proxy
system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token    kube-system    Role/kubeadm:kubelet-config-1.14
system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token    kube-system    Role/kubeadm:nodes-kubeadm-config
system:masters                                     cluster-wide   ClusterRole/cluster-admin
system:nodes                                       kube-system    Role/kubeadm:kubelet-config-1.14
system:nodes                                       kube-system    Role/kubeadm:nodes-kubeadm-config
system:nodes                                       cluster-wide   ClusterRole/
system:unauthenticated                             cluster-wide   ClusterRole/system:public-info-viewer

RBAC Manager

This project allows us to have a manager for RBAC, as its name suggests. It simplifies many manipulations. The most important one is RoleBindings creation. Indeed we saw that if we needed to create different Roles for a user we needed to create different RoleBindings. RBAC Manager helps us by allowing us to create just one RoleBinding with all the authorizations inside. To install it, you can download the YAML file from the Github repository:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/rbac/manager/yaml/file

The official documentation is available on the project Github repository. An example:

kind: RBACDefinition
  name: jose
  - name: jose
      - kind: User
        name: jose
      - namespace: my-project-prod
        clusterRole: edit
      - namespace: my-project-dev
        clusterRole: edit


We have created users inside Kubernetes cluster using X.509 client certificate with OpenSSL and granting them authorizations. You can use the script available on my Github repository in order to create users easily. As for the cluster administration, you can use the open-source projects that have been introduced in this article. To sum up those projects:

It can be very time consuming to handle all the steps about user creation. Especially if we have multiple users to create at once and others to create frequently. It could be easier if an enterprise LDAP is connected to Kubernetes cluster. There are open-source projects that provide a direct LDAP authentication webhook for Kubernetes: Kismatic and ObjectifLibre. Another solution is to configure an OpenId server with your enterprise LDAP for its backend.

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