Published articles

Modern Python part 3: run a CI pipeline & publish your package to PiPy
Categories: DevOps & SRE | Tags: CI/CD, Git, GitHub, Python, Release and features, Unit tests
To propose a well-maintained and usable Python package to the open-source community or even inside your company, you are expected to accomplish a set of critical steps. First ensure that your code isā¦
By Faouzi BRAZA
Jun 28, 2021

Modern Python part 2: write unit tests & enforce Git commit conventions
Categories: DevOps & SRE | Tags: Git, pandas, Python, Unit tests
Good software engineering practices always bring a lot of long-term benefits. For example, writing unit tests permits you to maintain large codebases and ensures that a specific piece of your codeā¦
By Faouzi BRAZA
Jun 24, 2021

Modern Python part 1: start a project with pyenv & poetry
Categories: DevOps & SRE | Tags: Git, Python, Release and features, Unit tests
When learning a programming language, the focus is essentially on understanding the syntax, the code style, and the underlying concepts. With time, you become sufficiently comfortable with theā¦
By Faouzi BRAZA
Jun 9, 2021