Published articles

Ingresses and Load Balancers in Kubernetes with MetalLB and nginx-ingress
Categories: Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags: Ingress, Kubeadm, Cluster, Deployment, Kubernetes
When it comes to exposing services from a Kubernetes cluster and making it accessible from outside the cluster, the recommended option is to use a load-balancer type service to redirect incomingā¦
Sep 8, 2022

NixOS: Enabling LXD virtual machines using Flakes
Categories: Hack, Learning | Tags: Learning and tutorial, Linux, LXD, Packaging, VM, GitHub, NixOS, Open source
Nixpkgs is an ever-increasing collection of software packages for Nix and NixOS. Even with more than 80,000 packages, you easily run in a situation where there is a functionality that is not yetā¦
May 13, 2022