Published articles

Installation Guide to TDP, the 100% open source big data platform
Categories: Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags: Infrastructure, VirtualBox, Hadoop, Vagrant, TDP
The Trunk Data Platform (TDP) is a 100% open source big data distribution, based on Apache Hadoop and compatible with HDP 3.1. Initiated in 2021 by EDF, the DGFiP and Adaltas, the project is governedā¦
Oct 18, 2023

TDP workshop: Become a TDP power user from your terminal
Categories: Events, Learning | Tags: DevOps, Ansible, Hadoop, Open source, TDP
The TDP CLI is used to deploy and operate your TDP services. It relies on tdp-lib to provide control and flexibility at your fingertips. Some time ago, we announced the public release of TDP - Trunkā¦
Jun 17, 2022