Published articles

Nvidia and AI on the edge
Categories: Data Science | Tags: Caffe, GPU, NVIDIA, AI, Deep Learning, Edge computing, Keras, PyTorch, TensorFlow
In the last four years, corporations have been investing a lot in AI and particularly in Deep Learning and Edge Computing. While the theory has taken huge steps forward and new algorithms are inventedā¦
By Yliess HATI
Oct 10, 2018

Lando: Deep Learning used to summarize conversations
Categories: Data Science, Learning | Tags: Micro Services, Open API, Deep Learning, Internship, Kubernetes, Neural Network, Node.js
Lando is an application to summarize conversations using Speech To Text to translate the written record of a meeting into text and Deep Learning technics to summarize contents. It allows users toā¦
By Yliess HATI
Sep 18, 2018

TensorFlow on Spark 2.3: The Best of Both Worlds
Categories: Data Science, DataWorks Summit 2018 | Tags: Mesos, C++, CPU, GPU, Tuning, Spark, YARN, JavaScript, Keras, Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Python, TensorFlow
The integration of TensorFlow With Spark has a lot of potential and creates new opportunities. This article is based on a conference seen at the DataWorks Summit 2018 in Berlin. It was about the newā¦
By Yliess HATI
May 29, 2018