Apache Ozone

Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object store for Hadoop. It is built on a highly available, replicated block storage layer called Hadoop Distributed Data Store (HDDS).

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Hadoop Ozone part 1: an introduction of the new filesystem

Hadoop Ozone part 1: an introduction of the new filesystem

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Hadoop Ozone is an object store for Hadoop. It is designed to scale to billions of objects of varying sizes. It is currently in development. The roadmap is available on the project wiki. This articleā€¦

Hadoop Ozone part 2: tutorial and getting started of its features

Hadoop Ozone part 2: tutorial and getting started of its features

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The releases of Hadoop Ozone come with a handy docker-compose file to try out Ozone. The below instructions provide details on how to use it. You can also use the Katacoda training sandbox whichā€¦

Hadoop Ozone part 3: advanced replication strategy with Copyset

Hadoop Ozone part 3: advanced replication strategy with Copyset

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Hadoop Ozone provide a way of setting a ReplicationType for every write you make on the cluster. Right now is supported HDFS and Ratis but more advanced replication strategies can be achieved. In thisā€¦

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