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Apache Apex: next gen Big Data analytics
Categories: Data Science, Events, Tech Radar | Tags: Apex, Storm, Tools, Flink, Hadoop, Kafka, Data Science, Machine Learning
Below is a compilation of my notes taken during the presentation of Apache Apex by Thomas Weise from DataTorrent, the company behind Apex. Introduction Apache Apex is an in-memory distributed parallelā¦
Jul 17, 2016

Apache Apex with Apache SAMOA
Categories: Data Science, Events, Tech Radar | Tags: Apex, Samoa, Storm, Tools, Flink, Hadoop, Machine Learning
Traditional Machine Learning Batch Oriented Supervised - most common Training and Scoring One time model building Data set Training: Model building Holdout: Paremeter tuning Test: Accuracy Onlineā¦
Jul 17, 2016

Apache Metron in the Real World
Categories: Cyber Security, DataWorks Summit 2018 | Tags: Algorithm, NiFi, Solr, Storm, pcap, RDBMS, HDFS, Kafka, Metron, Spark, Data Science, Elasticsearch, SQL
Apache Metron is a storage and analytic platform specialized in cyber security. This talk was about demonstrating the usages and capabilities of Apache Metron in the real world. The presentation wasā¦
May 29, 2018