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Managing authorizations with Apache Sentry

Managing authorizations with Apache Sentry

Categories: Data Governance | Tags: Hue, Database, LDAP, Nikita, Sentry, Ansible, CDH, Deployment

Apache Sentry is a system for enforcing fine grained role based authorization to data and metadata stored on a Hadoop cluster. With this article, we will show you how we are using Apache Sentry atā€¦



Jul 24, 2017

Hadoop cluster takeover with Apache Ambari

Hadoop cluster takeover with Apache Ambari

Categories: Big Data, DevOps & SRE, Adaltas Summit 2018 | Tags: Ambari, Automation, iptables, Nikita, Systemd, Cluster, HDP, Kerberos, Node, Node.js, REST

We recently migrated a large production Hadoop cluster from a ā€œmanualā€ automated install to Apache Ambari, we called this the Ambari Takeover. This is a risky process and we will detail why thisā€¦



Nov 15, 2018

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