Articles published in 2010

Node.js, JavaScript on the server side

Node.js, JavaScript on the server side

Categories: Front End, Node.js | Tags: HTTP, MongoDB, Server, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Redis

Waiting for the Next Big Language (NBL for Next Big Language), this is now 3 years or more since I predict to my customers a bright future for JavaScript as a programming language for server…


By David WORMS

Jun 12, 2010

MapReduce introduction

MapReduce introduction

Categories: Big Data | Tags: Java, MapReduce, Big Data, JavaScript, TCO

Information systems have more and more data to store and process. Companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter and many others store astronomical amounts of information from their customers and must be…


By David WORMS

Jun 26, 2010

Node HBase, a NodeJs client for Apache HBase

Node HBase, a NodeJs client for Apache HBase

Categories: Big Data, Node.js | Tags: HBase, Big Data, Node.js, REST

HBase is a “column familly” database from the Hadoop ecosystem built on the model of Google BigTable. HBase can accommodate very large volumes of data (tera or peta) while maintaining high…


By David WORMS

Nov 1, 2010

Storage and massive processing with Hadoop

Storage and massive processing with Hadoop

Categories: Big Data | Tags: Nutch, Google, Hadoop, HDFS, Cloudera, Storage

Apache Hadoop is a system for building shared storage and processing infrastructures for large volumes of data (multiple terabytes or petabytes). Hadoop clusters are used by a wide range of projects…


By David WORMS

Nov 26, 2010

Hadoop and HBase installation on OSX in pseudo-distributed mode

Hadoop and HBase installation on OSX in pseudo-distributed mode

Categories: Big Data, Learning | Tags: Hue, Infrastructure, Hadoop, HBase, Big Data, Deployment, Log4j

The operating system chosen is OSX but the procedure is not so different for any Unix environment because most of the software is downloaded from the Internet, uncompressed and set manually. Only a…


By David WORMS

Dec 1, 2010

Canada - Morocco - France

We are a team of Open Source enthusiasts doing consulting in Big Data, Cloud, DevOps, Data Engineering, Data Science…

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