New TDP website launched
By David WORMS
Oct 3, 2023
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The new TDP (Trunk Data Platform) website is online. We invite you to browse its pages to discover the platform, stay informed, and cultivate contact with the TDP community.
TDP is a completely open-source big data platform leveraging the Hadoop eco-system. Initiated 3 years ago at the initiative of DGFIP, EDF and Adaltas, it is governed by the TOSIT association, whose mission is to promote open source to support the emergence of codes, softwares and IT solutions under open source licenses.
The site is aimed at all those wishing to discover the features of the platform. The documentation will certainly expand in the coming weeks. The Getting Started already allows you to have a local environment to learn about the platform. Administrators, data engineers, data scientists, etc. can thus evaluate and improve their usages.
A section dedicated to contributors also supports the developer community and potential future members.
The content of the site is publicly hosted on GitHub. We welcome contributions, especially if you encounter typos or would like to make improvements. The navigation of the ”./content” directory is relatively clear. The content of the pages is written in Markdown.
With its new website, TDP allows a wider audience to discover the platform and participate in its evolution. Visit the TDP website today to learn more about this exciting initiative and join the TDP community.