Published articles

Spark on Hadoop integration with Jupyter
Categories: Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags: Infrastructure, Spark, YARN, CDP, HDP, Jupyter, Notebook, TDP
For several years, Jupyter notebook has established itself as the notebook solution in the Python universe. Historically, Jupyter is the tool of choice for data scientists who mainly develop in Pythonā¦
Sep 1, 2022

Apache Liminal: when MLOps meets GitOps
Categories: Big Data, Containers Orchestration, Data Engineering, Data Science, Tech Radar | Tags: Data Engineering, CI/CD, Data Science, Deep Learning, Deployment, Docker, GitOps, Kubernetes, Machine Learning, MLOps, Open source, Python, TensorFlow
Apache Liminal is an open-source software which proposes a solution to deploy end-to-end Machine Learning pipelines. Indeed it permits to centralize all the steps needed to construct Machine Learningā¦
Mar 31, 2021

Introducing Apache Airflow on AWS
Categories: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Containers Orchestration | Tags: PySpark, Learning and tutorial, Airflow, Oozie, Spark, AWS, Docker, Python
Apache Airflow offers a potential solution to the growing challenge of managing an increasingly complex landscape of data management tools, scripts and analytics processes. It is an open-sourceā¦
May 5, 2020