Published articles

CDP part 6: end-to-end data lakehouse ingestion pipeline with CDP
Categories: Big Data, Data Engineering, Learning | Tags: NiFi, Business intelligence, Data Engineering, Iceberg, Spark, Big Data, Cloudera, CDP, Data Analytics, Data Lake, Data Warehouse
In this hands-on lab session we demonstrate how to build an end-to-end big data solution with Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Public Cloud, using the infrastructure we have deployed and configured overā¦
Jul 24, 2023

CDP part 5: user permissions management on CDP Public Cloud
Categories: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Governance | Tags: Ranger, Cloudera, CDP, Data Warehouse
When you create a user or a group in CDP, it requires permissions to access resources and use the Data Services. This article is the fifth in a series of six: CDP part 1: introduction to end-to-endā¦
Jul 18, 2023

CDP part 4: user management on CDP Public Cloud with Keycloak
Categories: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Governance | Tags: EC2, Big Data, CDP, Docker Compose, Keycloak, SSO
Previous articles of the serie cover the deployment of a CDP Public Cloud environment. All the components are ready for use and it is time to make the environment available to other users to exploreā¦
Jul 4, 2023