Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) is a broad category of applications and technologies that capture, store, and analyze data. To make informed business decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information, intuition is not enough. Data analysis, reporting, and querying tools can help business users handle large amounts of data and extract valuable information.
BI applications include decision support, query and reporting systems, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining. Adaltas help you to leverage the tools and technologies at stake to extract the maximum value from your data.

BI planning
Defining and contributing to:
- Establish business requirements
- Plan and manage projects
- Select optimal online analytical processing (OLAP) tools
- Specify catalog and metadata strategy
Architecture & design
Involved and responsible for:
- Design dimensional data models and data marts
- Ensure compliance with security and governance policies
- Design data processing, cleaning, structuring and mining algorithms
- Design, secure and deploy platforms
Deployment & Optimization
Works together with the application developers:
- Implement analytical processing
- Implement KPIs, build reporting and statistical analysis systems
- Manage scalability and querying at scale
- Pre-aggregation data for deeper analysis
Articles related to Business Intelligence

Snowflake, le Data Warehouse conƧu pour le cloud, introduction et premiers pas
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Apr 7, 2020

Apache Hive 3, nouvelles fonctionnalitƩs et conseils et astuces
Categories: Big Data, Business Intelligence, DataWorks Summit 2019 | Tags: Druid, JDBC, LLAP, Hadoop, Hive, Kafka, Versions et Ć©volutions
Disponible depuis juillet 2018 avec HDP3 (Hortonworks Data Platform 3), Apache Hive 3 apporte de nombreuses fonctionnalitĆ©s intĆ©ressantes Ć lāentrepĆ“t de donnĆ©es. Malheureusement, comme beaucoup deā¦
Jul 25, 2019

Auto-scaling de Druid avec Kubernetes
Categories: Big Data, Business Intelligence, Orchestration de conteneurs | Tags: EC2, Druid, Helm, MƩtriques, OLAP, Exploitation, Orchestration de conteneurs, Cloud, CNCF, Analyse de donnƩes, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Python
Apache Druid est un systĆØme de stockage de donnĆ©es open-source destinĆ© Ć lāanalytics qui peut profiter des capacitĆ©s dāauto-scaling de Kubernetes de par son architecture distribuĆ©e. Cet article estā¦
Jul 16, 2019

IntƩgration de Druid et Hive
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Nous allons dans cet article traiter de lāintĆ©gration entre Hive Interactive (LLAP) et Druid. Cet article est un complĆ©ment Ć lāarticle Ultra-fast OLAP Analytics with Apache Hive and Druid.ā¦
Jun 17, 2019

AccĆ©lĆ©rer vos requĆŖtes avec les vues matĆ©rialisĆ©es dans Apache Hive
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Jesus Camacho Rodriguez a organisĆ© une prĆ©sentation āAccelerating query processing with materialized views in Apache Hiveā sur une nouvelle fonctionnalitĆ© Ć venir dans Apache Hive 3.0Ā : les vuesā¦
May 31, 2018