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Definitions of machine learning algorithms present in Apache Mahout
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Apache Mahout is a machine learning library built for scalability. Its core algorithms for clustering, classfication and batch based collaborative filtering are implemented on top of Apache Hadoopā¦
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Scaling massive, real-time data pipelines with Go
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Last week at the Open Source Summit in Prague, Jean de Klerk held a talk called Scaling massive, real-time data pipelines with Go. This article goes over the main points of the talk, detailing theā¦
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Apache Metron in the Real World
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Apache Metron is a storage and analytic platform specialized in cyber security. This talk was about demonstrating the usages and capabilities of Apache Metron in the real world. The presentation wasā¦
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Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Poker
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We will cover the subject of Deep Reinforcement Learning, more specifically the Deep Q Learning algorithm introduced by DeepMind, and then weāll apply a version of this algorithm to the game of Pokerā¦
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Avoid Bottlenecks in distributed Deep Learning pipelines with Horovod
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The Deep Learning training process can be greatly speed up using a cluster of GPUs. When dealing with huge amounts of data, distributed computing quickly becomes a challenge. A common obstacle whichā¦
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