
Ceph is a unified, distributed storage system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability.

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Installing Kubernetes on CentOS 7

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This article explains how to install a Kubernetes cluster. I will dive into what each step does so you can build a thorough understanding of what is going on. This article is based on my talk from theā€¦


By Arthur BUSSER

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Rook with Ceph doesn't provision my Persistent Volume Claims!

Rook with Ceph doesn't provision my Persistent Volume Claims!

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Ceph installation inside Kubernetes can be provisioned using Rook. Currently doing an internship at Adaltas, I was in charge of participating in the setup of a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. To avoidā€¦



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Context The acquisition of a high-capacity cluster is in line with Adaltasā€™ desire to build a PAAS-type offering to use and to provide Big Data and container orchestration platforms. The platforms areā€¦


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Expose a Rook-based Ceph cluster outside of Kubernetes

Expose a Rook-based Ceph cluster outside of Kubernetes

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We recently deployed a LXD based Hadoop cluster and we wanted to be able to apply size quotas on some filesystems (ie: service logs, user homes). Quota is a built in feature of the Linux kernel usedā€¦



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Ceph object storage within a Kubernetes cluster with Rook

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Ceph is a distributed all-in-one storage system. Reliable and mature, its first stable version was released in 2012 and has since then been the reference for open source storage. Cephā€™s main perk isā€¦



Aug 4, 2022

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