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Micro Services

Micro Services

Categories: Cloud Computing, Containers Orchestration, Open Source Summit Europe 2017 | Tags: Mesos, DNS, Encryption, gRPC, Istio, Linkerd, Micro Services, MITM, Service Mesh, CNCF, Kubernetes, Proxy, SPOF, SSL/TLS

Back in the days, applications were monolithic and we could use an IP address to access a service. With virtual machines (VM), multiple hosts started to appear on the same machine with multiple appsā€¦


By David WORMS

Nov 14, 2017

Guide to Keybase encrypted directories

Guide to Keybase encrypted directories

Categories: Cyber Security, Hack | Tags: Cryptography, Encryption, File system, Keybase, PGP, Authorization

This is a guide to using Keybaseā€™s encrypted directories to store and share files. Keybase is a group, file and chat application whoā€™s goal is to bring public key crypto based on PGP to everyone inā€¦


By Arthur BUSSER

Jun 18, 2018

Deploying a secured Flink cluster on Kubernetes

Deploying a secured Flink cluster on Kubernetes

Categories: Big Data | Tags: Encryption, Flink, HDFS, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Kerberos, SSL/TLS

When deploying secured Flink applications inside Kubernetes, you are faced with two choices. Assuming your Kubernetes is secure, you may rely on the underlying platform or rely on Flink nativeā€¦


By David WORMS

Oct 8, 2018

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