File system
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OS module on steroids with the SIGAR Node binding
Categories: Node.js | Tags: C++, CPU, File system, Metrics, Monitoring, Network
Today we are announcing the first release of the Node binding to the SIGAR library. Visit the project website or the source code repository on GitHub. SIGAR is a cross platform interface for gathering…
By David WORMS
Jan 11, 2012

Merging multiple files in Hadoop
Categories: Hack | Tags: File system, Hadoop, HDFS
This is a command I used to concatenate the files stored in Hadoop HDFS matching a globing expression into a single file. It uses the “getmerge” utility of but contrary to “getmerge”, the final…
By David WORMS
Jan 12, 2013

State of the Hadoop open-source ecosystem in early 2013
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Hadoop is already a large ecosystem and my guess is that 2013 will be the year where it grows even larger. There are some pieces that we no longer need to present. ZooKeeper, hbase, Hive, Pig, Flume…
By David WORMS
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Testing the Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop HDFS
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Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS, you can use Oracle Database to access and analyze data residing in HDFS files or a Hive table. You can also query and join data in HDFS or a Hive table with other…
By David WORMS
Jul 15, 2013

Guide to Keybase encrypted directories
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This is a guide to using Keybase’s encrypted directories to store and share files. Keybase is a group, file and chat application who’s goal is to bring public key crypto based on PGP to everyone in…
Jun 18, 2018

Desacralizing the Linux overlay filesystem in Docker
Categories: Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure | Tags: DevOps, File system, Linux, Docker
Overlay filesystems (also called union filesystems) is a fundamental technology in Docker to create images and containers. They allow creating a union of directories to create a filesystem. Multiple…
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