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One week to discuss technology in a Moroccan riad

One week to discuss technology in a Moroccan riad

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Adaltas organise the year its first conference between the 22 and 26 of October. On the agenda of these 5 days of conference: discuss technology in one of the most beautiful riad of Marrakech. Mix theā€¦


By David WORMS

Oct 11, 2018

Gatsby.js, React and GraphQL for documentation websites

Gatsby.js, React and GraphQL for documentation websites

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In the last few months, I have started to redesign some of our Open Source project websites. This includes the websites of the Node.js CSV project, the Node.js HBase client and the Nikita project, ourā€¦


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JS monorepos in prod 1: project initialization

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Every project journey begins with the step of initialization. When your overall project is composed of multiple projects, it is tempting to create one Git repository per project. In Node.js, a projectā€¦


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Jan 5, 2021

JS monorepos in prod 2: project versioning and publishing

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One great advantage of a monorepo is to maintain coherent versions between packages and to automatize the version creation and the publication of packages. This article covers the versioning andā€¦


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JS monorepos in prod 3: commit enforcement and changelog generation

JS monorepos in prod 3: commit enforcement and changelog generation

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Conventional Commits introduces a structured format for commit messages. It standardizes the messages among all the contributors. This makes them more readable and easy to automate. It simplifies theā€¦


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Bridging the DBnomics Swagger/OpenAPI schema with GraphQL

Bridging the DBnomics Swagger/OpenAPI schema with GraphQL

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While redacting a long and fastidious document today, I came across DBnomics, an open platform federating economic datasets. Browsing its website and APIs, I found their OpenAPI schema (aka Swaggerā€¦


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Traefik, Docker and dnsmasq to simplify container networking

Traefik, Docker and dnsmasq to simplify container networking

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Canada - Morocco - France

We are a team of Open Source enthusiasts doing consulting in Big Data, Cloud, DevOps, Data Engineering, Data Scienceā€¦

We provide our customers with accurate insights on how to leverage technologies to convert their use cases to projects in production, how to reduce their costs and increase the time to market.

If you enjoy reading our publications and have an interest in what we do, contact us and we will be thrilled to cooperate with you.

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