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Apache Thrift vs REST

Apache Thrift vs REST

Categories: DevOps & SRE, Open Source Summit Europe 2017 | Tags: Thrift, gRPC, HTTP, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), REST

Adaltas recently attended the Open Source Summit Europe 2017 in Prague. I had the opportunity to follow a presentation made by Randy Abernethy and Jens Geyer of RM-X, a cloud native consulting companyā€¦



Oct 28, 2017

Micro Services

Micro Services

Categories: Cloud Computing, Containers Orchestration, Open Source Summit Europe 2017 | Tags: Mesos, DNS, Encryption, gRPC, Istio, Linkerd, Micro Services, MITM, Service Mesh, CNCF, Kubernetes, Proxy, SPOF, SSL/TLS

Back in the days, applications were monolithic and we could use an IP address to access a service. With virtual machines (VM), multiple hosts started to appear on the same machine with multiple appsā€¦


By David WORMS

Nov 14, 2017

Main advantages of GraphQL as an alternative to REST

Main advantages of GraphQL as an alternative to REST

Categories: Front End | Tags: gRPC, API, GraphQL, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Node.js, Registry, REST

GraphQL is based on a simple idea, moving the assembly of a request from the server to the client. The client sees the overall strongly-typed schema instead of multiple REST endpoints and he buildsā€¦


By David WORMS

Nov 27, 2018

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