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Apache Knox made easy!
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Apache Knox is the secure entry point of a Hadoop cluster, but can it also be the entry point for my REST applications? Apache Knox overview Apache Knox is an application gateway for interacting in aā¦
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The distributed and in-memory nature of the Spark engine makes it an excellent candidate to expose data to clients which expect low latencies. Dashboards, notebooks, BI studios, KPIs-based reportsā¦
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Running Apache Hive 3, new features and tips and tricks
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Apache Hive 3 brings a bunch of new and nice features to the data warehouse. Unfortunately, like many major FOSS releases, it comes with a few bugs and not much documentation. It is available sinceā¦
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Faster model development with H2O AutoML and Flow
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Building Machine Learning (ML) models is a time-consuming process. It requires expertise in statistics, ML algorithms, and programming. On top of that, it also requires the ability to translate aā¦
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H2O in practice: a Data Scientist feedback
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Automated machine learning (AutoML) platforms are gaining popularity and becoming a new important tool in the data scientistsā toolbox. A few months ago, I introduced H2O, an open-source platform forā¦
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H2O in practice: a protocol combining AutoML with traditional modeling approaches
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H20 comes with a lot of functionalities. The second part of the series H2O in practice proposes a protocol to combine AutoML modeling with traditional modeling and optimization approach. The objectiveā¦
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