Micro Services

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Micro Services

Micro Services

Categories: Cloud Computing, Containers Orchestration, Open Source Summit Europe 2017 | Tags: Mesos, DNS, Encryption, gRPC, Istio, Linkerd, Micro Services, MITM, Service Mesh, CNCF, Kubernetes, Proxy, SPOF, SSL/TLS

Back in the days, applications were monolithic and we could use an IP address to access a service. With virtual machines (VM), multiple hosts started to appear on the same machine with multiple appsā€¦


By David WORMS

Nov 14, 2017

Notes after Katacoda Training on Kubernetes Container Orchestration

Notes after Katacoda Training on Kubernetes Container Orchestration

Categories: Containers Orchestration, Learning | Tags: Helm, Ingress, Kubeadm, CNI, Micro Services, Minikube, Kubernetes

A few weeks ago, I dedicated two days to follow the turorials available on Katacoda, the interactive learning platform for Kubernetes or any other container orchestration platform. Iā€™m sharing myā€¦


By David WORMS

Dec 14, 2017

Lando: Deep Learning used to summarize conversations

Lando: Deep Learning used to summarize conversations

Categories: Data Science, Learning | Tags: Micro Services, Open API, Deep Learning, Internship, Kubernetes, Neural Network, Node.js

Lando is an application to summarize conversations using Speech To Text to translate the written record of a meeting into text and Deep Learning technics to summarize contents. It allows users toā€¦

Yliess HATI

By Yliess HATI

Sep 18, 2018

Apache Flink: past, present and future

Apache Flink: past, present and future

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Apache Flink is a little gem which deserves a lot more attention. Letā€™s dive into Flinkā€™s past, its current state and the future it is heading to by following the keynotes and presentations at Flinkā€¦



Nov 5, 2018

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for microservices and public applications (Part 2)

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for microservices and public applications (Part 2)

Categories: Containers Orchestration, Cyber Security | Tags: LDAP, Micro Services, CNCF, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), OAuth2, OpenID Connect

Using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, it is important to understand how the authorization flow is taking place, who shall call the Authorization Server, how to store the tokens. Moreover, microservices andā€¦


By David WORMS

Nov 20, 2020

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