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Microsoft introduces Cloud Native Application Bundles

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At DockerCon EU 2018 in Barcelona, Matt Butcher, Principal Engineer at Microsoft and inventor of Helm, introduced CNAB, Cloud Native Application Bundles, a packaging format for distributedā€¦


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Plugin architecture in JavaScript and Node.js with Plug and Play

Plugin architecture in JavaScript and Node.js with Plug and Play

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Plug and Play helps library and application authors to introduce a plugin architecture into their code. It simplifies complex code execution with well-defined interception points, also called hooksā€¦


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JS monorepos in prod 5: merging Git repositories and preserve commit history

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Nix is a functional package manager for Linux and other Unix systems, making the management of packages more reliable and easy to reproduce. With a traditional package manager, when updating a packageā€¦


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Reliable and reproducible Linux installation with NixOS

Reliable and reproducible Linux installation with NixOS

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When using an operating system, upgrading packages or installing new ones are common tasks that introduce the risk of affecting the stability of the system. NixOS is a Linux distribution that ensuresā€¦


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Nix package creation: install a not yet supported font

Nix package creation: install a not yet supported font

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The Nix packages collection is large with over 60 000 packages. However, chances are that sometimes the package you need is not available. You must integrate it yourself. I needed for some fonts whichā€¦


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NixOS: Enabling LXD virtual machines using Flakes

NixOS: Enabling LXD virtual machines using Flakes

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Nixpkgs is an ever-increasing collection of software packages for Nix and NixOS. Even with more than 80,000 packages, you easily run in a situation where there is a functionality that is not yetā€¦


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Framework laptop with NixOS, a user feedback

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A new job comes with a new laptop. As such, I was given a Framework Laptop DIY Edition with the objective to install and configure it entirely with NixOS. I will share my first impressions afterā€¦



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