
Protection des appareils, des réseaux et des applications contre le vol et les dommages sur les données et les services.

Articles associés

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for microservices and public applications (Part 2)

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for microservices and public applications (Part 2)

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Cyber Security | Tags : LDAP, Micro Services, CNCF, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), OAuth2, OpenID Connect

Using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, it is important to understand how the authorization flow is taking place, who shall call the Authorization Server, how to store the tokens. Moreover, microservices and…


Par David WORMS

20 nov. 2020

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, a gentle and working introduction (Part 1)

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, a gentle and working introduction (Part 1)

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Cyber Security | Tags : Go Lang, JAMstack, LDAP, CNCF, Kubernetes, OAuth2, OpenID Connect

Understanding OAuth2, OpenID and OpenID Connect (OIDC), how they relate, how the communications are established, and how to architecture your application with the given access, refresh and id tokens…


Par David WORMS

17 nov. 2020

Policy enforcing with Open Policy Agent

Policy enforcing with Open Policy Agent

Catégories : Cyber Security, Data Governance | Tags : Kafka, Ranger, Authorization, Cloud, Kubernetes, REST, SSL/TLS

Open Policy Agent is an open-source multi-purpose policy engine. Its main goal is to unify policy enforcement across the cloud native stack. The project was created by Styra and it is currently…



22 janv. 2020

Kerberos and Spnego authentication on Windows with Firefox

Kerberos and Spnego authentication on Windows with Firefox

Catégories : Cyber Security | Tags : Firefox, HTTP, FreeIPA, Kerberos

In Greek mythology, Kerberos, also called Cerberus, guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. He is commonly described as a three-headed dog, a serpent’s tail, mane of…


Par David WORMS

4 nov. 2019

Apache Knox made easy!

Apache Knox made easy!

Catégories : Big Data, Cyber Security, Adaltas Summit 2018 | Tags : LDAP, Active Directory, Knox, Ranger, Kerberos, REST

Apache Knox is the secure entry point of a Hadoop cluster, but can it also be the entry point for my REST applications? Apache Knox overview Apache Knox is an application gateway for interacting in a…

Michael HATOUM

Par Michael HATOUM

4 févr. 2019

Managing User Identities on Big Data Clusters

Managing User Identities on Big Data Clusters

Catégories : Cyber Security, Data Governance | Tags : LDAP, Active Directory, Ansible, FreeIPA, IAM, Kerberos

Securing a Big Data Cluster involves integrating or deploying specific services to store users. Some users are cluster-specific when others are available across all clusters. It is not always easy to…


Par David WORMS

8 nov. 2018

Guide to Keybase encrypted directories

Guide to Keybase encrypted directories

Catégories : Cyber Security, Hack | Tags : Cryptography, Encryption, File system, Keybase, PGP, Authorization

This is a guide to using Keybase’s encrypted directories to store and share files. Keybase is a group, file and chat application who’s goal is to bring public key crypto based on PGP to everyone in…


Par Arthur BUSSER

18 juin 2018

Apache Metron in the Real World

Apache Metron in the Real World

Catégories : Cyber Security, DataWorks Summit 2018 | Tags : Algorithm, NiFi, Solr, Storm, pcap, RDBMS, HDFS, Kafka, Metron, Spark, Data Science, Elasticsearch, SQL

Apache Metron is a storage and analytic platform specialized in cyber security. This talk was about demonstrating the usages and capabilities of Apache Metron in the real world. The presentation was…

Michael HATOUM

Par Michael HATOUM

29 mai 2018

Remote connection with SSH

Remote connection with SSH

Catégories : Cyber Security | Tags : Automation, HTTP, SSH

While teaching Big Data and Hadoop, a student asks me about SSH and how to use. I’ll discuss about the protocol and the tools to benefit from it. Lately, I automate the deployment of Hadoop clusters…


Par David WORMS

2 oct. 2013

Kerberos and delegation tokens security with WebHDFS

Kerberos and delegation tokens security with WebHDFS

Catégories : Cyber Security | Tags : HTTP, HDFS, Big Data, Kerberos

WebHDFS is an HTTP Rest server bundle with the latest version of Hadoop. What interests me on this article is to dig into security with the Kerberos and delegation tokens functionalities. I will cover…


Par David WORMS

25 juil. 2013

Canada - Maroc - France

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