
Node.js a popularisé JavaScript côté serveur. Depuis, une grande communauté s'est développée dont Adaltas est un membre actif.

Articles associés

CSV package for Node.js version 6

CSV package for Node.js version 6

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : Data Engineering, Refactoring, CSV, File Format, Release and features

Version 6 of the package for Node.js is released along its sub projects. Here are the latest versions: version , latest version was NPM version , latest version was NPM version , latest version…


Par David WORMS

15 nov. 2021

JS monorepos in prod 5: merging Git repositories and preserve commit history

JS monorepos in prod 5: merging Git repositories and preserve commit history

Catégories : DevOps & SRE, Node.js | Tags : Bash, DevOps, Packaging, Git, GitHub, GitOps, JavaScript, Monorepo

At Adaltas, we maintain several open-source Node.js projects organized as Git monorepos and published on NPM. We shared our experience to work with Lerna monorepos in a set of articles: Part…


Par Sergei KUDINOV

21 mai 2021

Plugin architecture in JavaScript and Node.js with Plug and Play

Plugin architecture in JavaScript and Node.js with Plug and Play

Catégories : Front End, Node.js | Tags : Asynchronous, DevOps, Programming, Agile, JavaScript, Open source, Release and features

Plug and Play helps library and application authors to introduce a plugin architecture into their code. It simplifies complex code execution with well-defined interception points, also called hooks…


Par David WORMS

28 août 2020

Node.js CSV version 4 - re-writing and performance

Node.js CSV version 4 - re-writing and performance

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : CLI, Data Engineering, Refactoring, CSV, Release and features

Today, we release a new major version of the Node.js CSV parser project. Version 4 is a complete re-writing of the project focusing on performance. It also comes with new functionalities as well as…


Par David WORMS

19 nov. 2018

A simple connect middleware to transpile CoffeeScript files

A simple connect middleware to transpile CoffeeScript files

Catégories : Hack, Node.js | Tags : Tools, CoffeeScript, Node.js

This new module called connect-coffee-script is a Connect middleware used to serve JavaScript files written in CoffeeScript. This middleware is to be used by connect or any Connect compatible…


Par David WORMS

4 juil. 2014

Catch 'uncaughtException' error in your mocha test

Catch 'uncaughtException' error in your mocha test

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : DevOps, Mocha, JavaScript, Unit tests

This isn’t the first time I faced this situation. Today, I finally found the time and energy to look for a solution. In your mocha test, let’s say you need to test an expected “uncaughtException…


Par David WORMS

27 oct. 2013

Node CSV version 0.2.1

Node CSV version 0.2.1

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : CoffeeScript, CSV, Release and features, Streaming

After the announcement of the version 0.2.0 of the Node.js CSV parser at the beginning of october, we are releasing today a new version 0.2.1. This is mostly a bug fix release with enhanced…


Par David WORMS

24 juil. 2012

Node CSV version 0.1 and future developments

Node CSV version 0.1 and future developments

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : CoffeeScript, CSV, Markdown, Release and features, Streaming

The Node CSV parser has just reach version 0.1 which close the 0.0.x releases. Started almost 2 years ago, the project has received a tremendous amount of participation in the form of bug reports…


Par David WORMS

21 juil. 2012

Asynchronous array iteration in Node.js with Each

Asynchronous array iteration in Node.js with Each

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : Asynchronous, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Release and features

Control flow in Node.js is the sort of library for which almost all the developers have created and publish their own libraries. They usually aim at reducing spaghetti codes made of deep callbacks. I…


Par David WORMS

18 juil. 2012

Node CSV version 0.2 with streaming API

Node CSV version 0.2 with streaming API

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : Data Engineering, CSV, Markdown, Node.js, Streaming

The Node CSV parser in its version 0.2 has just been released. This version is a major enhancement as it aligned the parser with the best Node.js practice in respect of streams. The CSV parser behave…


Par David WORMS

2 juil. 2012

Java versus JS fun, a quote from the Node.js mailing list

Java versus JS fun, a quote from the Node.js mailing list

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : Java, JavaScript, Node.js

I just read that one on the mailing list. I found it relevant enough to share it with those who did not subscribe to it: First Lothar Pfeiler: I still wonder, if it’s cool to have such a big…


Par David WORMS

23 févr. 2012

A fresh look at testing Node.js projects: Mocha, Should and Travis

A fresh look at testing Node.js projects: Mocha, Should and Travis

Catégories : DevOps & SRE, Node.js | Tags : DevOps, Mocha, CI/CD, JavaScript, Node.js, Unit tests

Today, I finally decided to spend some time around Travis. It’s been a few weeks since that little green image on top of many GitHub homepages has been buzzing me. Well, to be totally honest, this isn…


Par David WORMS

19 févr. 2012

Coffee script, how do I debug that damn js line?

Coffee script, how do I debug that damn js line?

Catégories : Hack, Node.js | Tags : Debug, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Node.js

Update April 12th, 2012: Pull request adding error reporting to CoffeeScript with line mapping Chances are that, if you code in CoffeeScript, you often find yourself facing a JavaScript exception…


Par David WORMS

15 févr. 2012

Announcing Mecano, a set of functions for system deployment

Announcing Mecano, a set of functions for system deployment

Catégories : DevOps & SRE, Node.js | Tags : Automation, Infrastructure, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Open source

Update July 2016, Mecano is now renamed Nikita. We are releasing Node Mecano on GitHub which gather common functions used while deploying systems. The idea was to group those functions into a…


Par David WORMS

12 févr. 2012

OS module on steroids with the SIGAR Node binding

OS module on steroids with the SIGAR Node binding

Catégories : Node.js | Tags : C++, CPU, File system, Metrics, Monitoring, Network

Today we are announcing the first release of the Node binding to the SIGAR library. Visit the project website or the source code repository on GitHub. SIGAR is a cross platform interface for gathering…


Par David WORMS

11 janv. 2012

Node HBase, a NodeJs client for Apache HBase

Node HBase, a NodeJs client for Apache HBase

Catégories : Big Data, Node.js | Tags : HBase, Big Data, Node.js, REST

HBase is a “column familly” database from the Hadoop ecosystem built on the model of Google BigTable. HBase can accommodate very large volumes of data (tera or peta) while maintaining high…


Par David WORMS

1 nov. 2010

Node.js, JavaScript on the server side

Node.js, JavaScript on the server side

Catégories : Front End, Node.js | Tags : HTTP, Server, JavaScript, Node.js

Waiting for the Next Big Language (NBL for Next Big Language), this is now 3 years or more since I predict to my customers a bright future for JavaScript as a programming language for server…


Par David WORMS

12 juin 2010

Canada - Maroc - France

Nous sommes une équipe passionnée par l'Open Source, le Big Data et les technologies associées telles que le Cloud, le Data Engineering, la Data Science le DevOps…

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