Apache Hadoop MapReduce
MapReduce is a distributed data processing framework. It is part of the Apache Hadoop framework and works on top of Apache HDFS.
This framework permits efficient processing of large amount of data distributed across multiple nodes.
During a MapReduce job, the data is split into chunks that are processed in parallel by the MapReduce tasks. The two main tasks of MapReduce are:
- Mapper: The mapper tasks process records one-by-one and output key/value pairs. The key is the input and the value is the result of the operation.
- Reducer: The reducer task process the result of the mappers grouped by the same key. The reducer performs an aggregation operation for each group.
All processing steps are persisted in HDFS. In the case of failure, MapReduce can recover from previous processing steps. This assures high availability of the system.
- Learn more
- Official website
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