Apache Maven

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Maven 3 behind a proxy

Maven 3 behind a proxy

Categories: Hack | Tags: Maven, Java, Proxy

Maven 3 isnā€™t so different to itā€™s previous version 2. You will migrate most of your project quite easily between the two versions. That wasnā€™t the case a fews years ago between versions 1 andā€¦


By David WORMS

Jul 11, 2013

Installing Hadoop from source: build, patch and run

Installing Hadoop from source: build, patch and run

Categories: Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags: Maven, Java, LXD, Hadoop, HDFS, Docker, TDP, Unit tests

Commercial Apache Hadoop distributions have come and gone. The two leaders, Cloudera and Hortonworks, have merged: HDP is no more and CDH is now CDP. MapR has been acquired by HP and IBM BigInsightsā€¦



Aug 4, 2020

Rebuilding HDP Hive: patch, test and build

Rebuilding HDP Hive: patch, test and build

Categories: Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags: Maven, Java, Hive, Git, GitHub, Release and features, TDP, Unit tests

The Hortonworks HDP distribution will soon be deprecated in favor of Clouderaā€™s CDP. One of our clients wanted a new Apache Hive feature backported into HDP 2.6.0. We thought it was a good opportunityā€¦



Oct 6, 2020

Build your open source Big Data distribution with Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Hive & Zeppelin

Build your open source Big Data distribution with Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Hive & Zeppelin

Categories: Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags: Maven, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Spark, Git, Release and features, TDP, Unit tests

The Hadoop ecosystem gave birth to many popular projects including HBase, Spark and Hive. While technologies like Kubernetes and S3 compatible object storages are growing in popularity, HDFS and YARNā€¦



Dec 18, 2020

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