Apache Oozie
Apache Oozie is an open source java web application available under apache license 2.0. It is defined as a job scheduler system designed and deployed to manage and run Hadoop Stack jobs in a distributed storage environment.
An Oozie workflow is a set of actions organized in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The task chronology, as well as the workflow's start and finish rules, are determined but the control nodes and the execution of tasks are triggered by the action nodes. It comes pre-loaded with a variety of Hadoop Ecosystem actions (including Apache MapReduce and Apache Pig), as well as system-specific jobs (such as shell scripts).
Oozie Coordinator allows you to run Oozie workflows regularly at a given time, according to data avaibility or when an event occurs. A workflow task is launched these conditions are met.
Oozie bundle is a combination of multiple coordinator and workflow jobs in which you manage their lifecycle.
- Learn more
- Official website
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