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Installing and using MADlib with PostgreSQL on OSX
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We cover basic installation and usage of PostgreSQL and MADlib on OSX and Ubuntu. Instructions for other environments should be similar. PostgreSQL is an Open Source database with enterprise…
By David WORMS
Jul 7, 2012

Options to connect and integrate Hadoop with Oracle
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I will list the different tools and libraries available to us developers in order to integrate Oracle and Hadoop. The Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS described below is covered in a follow up article…
By David WORMS
May 15, 2013

Testing the Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop HDFS
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Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS, you can use Oracle Database to access and analyze data residing in HDFS files or a Hive table. You can also query and join data in HDFS or a Hive table with other…
By David WORMS
Jul 15, 2013

Hive, Calcite and Druid
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Managing authorizations with Apache Sentry
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MariaDB integration with Hadoop
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During a workshop with one of our customers, Adaltas has identified a potential risk to use MariaDB’s High Availability (HA) strategy. Since the customer selected Cloudera’s CDH 5 distribution, the…
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Yahoo's Vespa Engine
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CodaLab – Data Science competitions
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Comparison of different file formats in Big Data
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In data processing, there are different types of files formats to store your data sets. Each format has its own pros and cons depending upon the use cases and exists to serve one or several purposes…
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Bridging the DBnomics Swagger/OpenAPI schema with GraphQL
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By David WORMS
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Apache HBase: RegionServers co-location
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