Jupyter Notebook is one of the three main products from the Project Jupyter community. It is a web-based programming environment covering more than 40 programming languages. It uses Notebooks,which are an open JSON-like format able to keep a record of user sessions, which includes the previous output given by the code when last run. It also supports Markdown text, math formulas and plots. Notebooks files usually end in .ipynb.
Jupyter Notebooks complies with many open standards making it easier for developers to build customized applications. The Notebook format itself is one of those standards. Another standard is the Interactive Computing Protocol, allowing communication between Notebooks and Kernels in an open-manner based on JSON data over ZMQ and WebSockets. Kernels can be viewed as small processes running code from the Notebooks in a given language and returning output, and are introspection-friendly.
Project Jupyter develops open-source services for interactive computer science tools. Among those are Jupyter Notebook, JupyterHub and JupyterLab.
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