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Managing authorizations with Apache Sentry
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Apache Sentry is a system for enforcing fine grained role based authorization to data and metadata stored on a Hadoop cluster. With this article, we will show you how we are using Apache Sentry atā¦
Jul 24, 2017

Managing User Identities on Big Data Clusters
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Securing a Big Data Cluster involves integrating or deploying specific services to store users. Some users are cluster-specific when others are available across all clusters. It is not always easy toā¦
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Apache Knox made easy!
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Apache Knox is the secure entry point of a Hadoop cluster, but can it also be the entry point for my REST applications? Apache Knox overview Apache Knox is an application gateway for interacting in aā¦
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OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, a gentle and working introduction (Part 1)
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Understanding OAuth2, OpenID and OpenID Connect (OIDC), how they relate, how the communications are established, and how to architecture your application with the given access, refresh and id tokensā¦
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OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for microservices and public applications (Part 2)
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Using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, it is important to understand how the authorization flow is taking place, who shall call the Authorization Server, how to store the tokens. Moreover, microservices andā¦
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For several years, Jupyter notebook has established itself as the notebook solution in the Python universe. Historically, Jupyter is the tool of choice for data scientists who mainly develop in Pythonā¦
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