NoSQL, or "not Only SQL," refers to non-relational databases. This term was first used in 1998 by Carl Strozzi and was later adopted by companies dealing with large amounts of data.
NoSQL databases are mainly used for Big Data and real-time applications. They allow storing and retrieving large volumes of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data in a simple and fast way. They also have the ability to scale horizontally.
The four main types of NoSQL databases are:
- Key-value: stores pairs of keys and values using a hash table, where each key is unique and associated with values that can contain any type of data.
- Document-oriented: based on the key-value paradigm, where values can be of different types and structures and are stored in documents primarily in JSON or XML format.
- Column-oriented: organizes data in blocks of columns and stores them in a sorted manner on the disk, allowing for faster retrieval of a specific column.
- Graph-oriented: organizes data in the form of nodes and relationships between these nodes.
- Learn more
- Wikipedia
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