Adaltas Summit 2021
La seconde édition du Summit Adaltas se tient sur l'Île de Beauté. Pendant une semaine, toute l'équipe se réunit pour discuter technologie dans un cadre majestueux.
Articles associés

WasmEdge: WebAssembly runtimes are coming for the edge
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : JAMstack, Linux, Docker, Rust Lang, WebAssembly
With many security challenges solved by design in its core conception, lots of projects benefit from using WebAssembly. WasmEdge runtime is an efficient Virtual Machine optimized for edge computing…
Par Guillaume BOUTRY
29 sept. 2022

Spark on Hadoop integration with Jupyter
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : Infrastructure, Spark, YARN, CDP, HDP, Jupyter, Notebook, TDP
For several years, Jupyter notebook has established itself as the notebook solution in the Python universe. Historically, Jupyter is the tool of choice for data scientists who mainly develop in Python…
1 sept. 2022

Databricks logs collection with Azure Monitor at a Workspace Scale
Catégories : Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Adaltas Summit 2021 | Tags : Metrics, Monitoring, Spark, Azure, Databricks, Log4j
Databricks is an optimized data analytics platform based on Apache Spark. Monitoring Databricks plateform is crucial to ensure data quality, job performance, and security issues by limiting access to…
Par Claire PLAYE
10 mai 2022

Blockchain 102: Cryptocurrencies, Wallets and DApps
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure | Tags : Cryptography, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Consensus
A lot of people own cryptocurrencies today. But holding some tokens on an exchange does not mean interacting with the blockchain. The assets you trade are only numbers stored inside the exchange’s…
Par Gauthier LEONARD
12 avr. 2022

Apache HBase: RegionServers co-location
Catégories : Big Data, Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure | Tags : Ambari, Database, Infrastructure, Tuning, Hadoop, HBase, Big Data, HDP, Storage
RegionServers are the processes that manage the storage and retrieval of data in Apache HBase, the non-relational column-oriented database in Apache Hadoop. It is through their daemons that any CRUD…
Par Pierre BERLAND
22 févr. 2022

Blockchain 101: Blockchains and Consensus Mechanisms
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Learning | Tags : Cryptography, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Consensus
Cryptocurrencies are booming in 2021, with a market cap moving from 750 to more than 3,000 billion dollars. Let’s face it, this is mainly due to speculation. A lot of people involved do not have a…
Par Gauthier LEONARD
18 janv. 2022

GitOps in practice, deploy Kubernetes applications with ArgoCD
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, DevOps & SRE, Adaltas Summit 2021 | Tags : Argo CD, CI/CD, Git, GitOps, IaC, Kubernetes
GitOps is a set of practices to deploy applications using Git. Application definitions, configurations, and connectivity are to be stored in a version control software such as Git. Git then serves as…
16 déc. 2021

Adaltas Summit 2021, 2nd edition in corsica
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Learning | Tags : Ansible, Hadoop, Spark, Azure, Blockchain, Deep Learning, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, Node.js
For its second edition, the whole Adaltas crew is gathering in Corsica for a whole week with 2 days dedicated to technology the 23rd and the 24th of september 2021. After a year and a half of sanitary…
Par David WORMS
21 sept. 2021