Apache Hadoop
Hadoop is massively scalable platform commonly used to process big data workloads. At its core, it is composed of a distributed file system (HDFS) and a resource manager (YARN).
Hadoop provides a high level of durability and availability while still being able to process computational analytical workloads in parallel. The combination of availability, durability, and scalability of processing makes Hadoop a natural fit for Big Data workloads.
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Storage and massive processing with Hadoop
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Apache Hadoop is a system for building shared storage and processing infrastructures for large volumes of data (multiple terabytes or petabytes). Hadoop clusters are used by a wide range of projectsā¦
By David WORMS
Nov 26, 2010

Hadoop and HBase installation on OSX in pseudo-distributed mode
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Dec 1, 2010

Timeseries storage in Hadoop and Hive
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Hadoop and R with RHadoop
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Jul 19, 2012

Merging multiple files in Hadoop
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Jan 12, 2013

Definitions of machine learning algorithms present in Apache Mahout
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Apache Hive Essentials How-to by Darren Lee
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Apr 23, 2013

The state of Hadoop distributions
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By David WORMS
May 11, 2013

State of the Hadoop open-source ecosystem in early 2013
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Jul 8, 2013

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Red Hat Storage Gluster and its integration with Hadoop
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By David WORMS
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Apache Apex: next gen Big Data analytics
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Jul 14, 2016

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May 23, 2018

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By David WORMS
Oct 11, 2018

Monitoring a production Hadoop cluster with Kubernetes
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Monitoring a production grade Hadoop cluster is a real challenge and needs to be constantly evolving. The software we use today is based on Nagios. Very efficient when it comes to the simplestā¦
Dec 21, 2018

Apache Knox made easy!
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Apache Knox is the secure entry point of a Hadoop cluster, but can it also be the entry point for my REST applications? Apache Knox overview Apache Knox is an application gateway for interacting in aā¦
Feb 4, 2019

Multihoming on Hadoop
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Mar 5, 2019

Publish Spark SQL DataFrame and RDD with Spark Thrift Server
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Running Apache Hive 3, new features and tips and tricks
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Machine Learning model deployment
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