
Kubernetes is an open source system released in 2015 that allows the orchestration and management of containers on server clusters, whether physical or virtual, public or private.

It can support multiple Linux host machines or servers called nodes, each hosting one or more containers. Kubernetes allows you to create application services on several containers, plan their execution in a cluster, guarantee their integrity and ensure their monitoring.

A server called "Master" will be the conductor of the cluster and will run the containers of one or more nodes according to the availability of resources on each server. Kubernetes therefore provides a routing service between the client and the containers that have deployed the service heā€™s looking for.

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Dec 16, 2021

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Jul 9, 2022

Ceph object storage within a Kubernetes cluster with Rook

Ceph object storage within a Kubernetes cluster with Rook

Categories: Big Data, Data Governance, Learning | Tags: Amazon S3, Big Data, Ceph, Cluster, Data Lake, Kubernetes, Storage

Ceph is a distributed all-in-one storage system. Reliable and mature, its first stable version was released in 2012 and has since then been the reference for open source storage. Cephā€™s main perk isā€¦



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Ingresses and Load Balancers in Kubernetes with MetalLB and nginx-ingress

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By David WORMS

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Anyone who has ever had to manipulate Kubernetes has found himself confronted with the resolution of pod errors. The methods provided for this purpose are efficient, and allow to overcome the mostā€¦



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