Tech Radar

Veille technologique issue de notre travail et de notre intérêt à mettre à disposition de nos clients les dernièrs inovations.

Articles associés

Kubernetes: debugging with ephemeral containers

Kubernetes: debugging with ephemeral containers

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Tech Radar | Tags : Debug, Kubernetes

Anyone who has ever had to manipulate Kubernetes has found himself confronted with the resolution of pod errors. The methods provided for this purpose are efficient, and allow to overcome the most…


Par Pierre BERLAND

7 févr. 2023

Traefik, Docker and dnsmasq to simplify container networking

Traefik, Docker and dnsmasq to simplify container networking

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : DNS, Gatsby, JAMstack, Linux, Docker, Network

Good tech adventures start with some frustration, a need, or a requirement. This is the story of how I simplified the management and access of my local web applications with the help of Traefik and…


Par David WORMS

17 nov. 2022

WasmEdge: WebAssembly runtimes are coming for the edge

WasmEdge: WebAssembly runtimes are coming for the edge

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : JAMstack, Linux, Docker, Rust Lang, WebAssembly

With many security challenges solved by design in its core conception, lots of projects benefit from using WebAssembly. WasmEdge runtime is an efficient Virtual Machine optimized for edge computing…

Guillaume BOUTRY

Par Guillaume BOUTRY

29 sept. 2022

Ingresses and Load Balancers in Kubernetes with MetalLB and nginx-ingress

Ingresses and Load Balancers in Kubernetes with MetalLB and nginx-ingress

Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : Ingress, Kubeadm, Cluster, Deployment, Kubernetes

When it comes to exposing services from a Kubernetes cluster and making it accessible from outside the cluster, the recommended option is to use a load-balancer type service to redirect incoming…


Par Kellian COTTART

8 sept. 2022

Spark on Hadoop integration with Jupyter

Spark on Hadoop integration with Jupyter

Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : Infrastructure, Spark, YARN, CDP, HDP, Jupyter, Notebook, TDP

For several years, Jupyter notebook has established itself as the notebook solution in the Python universe. Historically, Jupyter is the tool of choice for data scientists who mainly develop in Python…



1 sept. 2022

Framework laptop with NixOS, a user feedback

Framework laptop with NixOS, a user feedback

Catégories : Learning, Tech Radar | Tags : CLI, DevOps, Learning and tutorial, Linux, Packaging, NixOS, Open source

A new job comes with a new laptop. As such, I was given a Framework Laptop DIY Edition with the objective to install and configure it entirely with NixOS. I will share my first impressions after…



22 août 2022

Apache Liminal: when MLOps meets GitOps

Apache Liminal: when MLOps meets GitOps

Catégories : Big Data, Containers Orchestration, Data Engineering, Data Science, Tech Radar | Tags : Data Engineering, CI/CD, Data Science, Deep Learning, Deployment, Docker, GitOps, Kubernetes, Machine Learning, MLOps, Open source, Python, TensorFlow

Apache Liminal is an open-source software which proposes a solution to deploy end-to-end Machine Learning pipelines. Indeed it permits to centralize all the steps needed to construct Machine Learning…



31 mars 2021

Introduction to Ludwig and how to deploy a Deep Learning model via Flask

Introduction to Ludwig and how to deploy a Deep Learning model via Flask

Catégories : Data Science, Tech Radar | Tags : Learning and tutorial, Deep Learning, Ludwig Deep Learning Toolbox, Machine Learning, Python

Over the past decade, Machine Learning and deep learning models have proven to be very effective in performing a wide variety of tasks such as fraud detection, product recommendation, autonomous…

Robert Walid SOARES

Par Robert Walid SOARES

2 mars 2020

Druid and Hive integration

Druid and Hive integration

Catégories : Big Data, Business Intelligence, Tech Radar | Tags : LLAP, OLAP, Druid, Hive, Data Analytics, SQL

This article covers the integration between Hive Interactive (LDAP) and Druid. One can see it as a complement of the Ultra-fast OLAP Analytics with Apache Hive and Druid article. Tools description…


Par Pierre SAUVAGE

17 juin 2019

Yahoo's Vespa Engine

Yahoo's Vespa Engine

Catégories : Tech Radar | Tags : Database, Tools, Elasticsearch, Search Engine

Vespa is Yahoo’s fully autonomous and self-sufficient big data processing and serving engine. It aims at serving results of queries on huge amounts of data in real time. An example of this would be…


Par Arthur BUSSER

16 oct. 2017

Get in control of your workflows with Apache Airflow

Get in control of your workflows with Apache Airflow

Catégories : Big Data, Tech Radar | Tags : DevOps, Airflow, Cloud, Python

Below is a compilation of my notes taken during the presentation of Apache Airflow by Christian Trebing from BlueYonder. Introduction Use case: how to handle data coming in regularly from customers…



17 juil. 2016

Apache Apex: next gen Big Data analytics

Apache Apex: next gen Big Data analytics

Catégories : Data Science, Events, Tech Radar | Tags : Apex, Storm, Tools, Flink, Hadoop, Kafka, Data Science, Machine Learning

Below is a compilation of my notes taken during the presentation of Apache Apex by Thomas Weise from DataTorrent, the company behind Apex. Introduction Apache Apex is an in-memory distributed parallel…



17 juil. 2016

Apache Apex with Apache SAMOA

Apache Apex with Apache SAMOA

Catégories : Data Science, Events, Tech Radar | Tags : Apex, Samoa, Storm, Tools, Flink, Hadoop, Machine Learning

Traditional Machine Learning Batch Oriented Supervised - most common Training and Scoring One time model building Data set Training: Model building Holdout: Paremeter tuning Test: Accuracy Online…


Par Pierre SAUVAGE

17 juil. 2016

E-commerce electronic cigarettes: first impressions with Prestashop

E-commerce electronic cigarettes: first impressions with Prestashop

Catégories : Tech Radar | Tags : HTML, Java, Node.js

Last year, I had to select and integrate an e-commerce software for the website CigarHit selling electronic cigarettes. Considering that the last e-commerce integration I made dated from 2005, I took…


Par David WORMS

25 juil. 2012

Node.js is now integrated to the Microsoft Azure platform

Node.js is now integrated to the Microsoft Azure platform

Catégories : Cloud Computing, Tech Radar | Tags : Linux, Azure, Cloud, Node.js

Node is now a first class citizen in the Microsoft Azure cloud environment alongside .Net, Java and PHP. This integration is the logical consequence of Microsoft’s involvement in the development of…


Par David WORMS

11 déc. 2011

Canada - Maroc - France

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