Parce qu’elle est vitale dans les projets Big Data, nous vous aidons à développer et à mettre en œuvre l’infrastructure de données appropriée et compatible avec votre environnement informatique existant.
Nos compétences couvrent les étapes clés du design et de l’architecture tels que le réseau, la surveillance, le diagnostic et le reporting, en passant par le déploiement automatisé, la configuration et la sécurisation. Notre expertise s’étend sur une multitude de technologies et de distributions Big Data.
Nous avons à de multiples reprises sécurisé avec Kerberos les distributions d’Hortonworks, de Cloudera et de MapR et avons l’expérience de mener des ateliers réunissant plusieurs acteurs de votre organisation en vue d’intégrer les plateformes Big Data avec des technologies comme SSL, l’Active Directory, FreeIPA, MIT Kerberos et OpenLDAP.
Articles associés à l'infrastructure

Introduction to OpenLineage
Catégories : Big Data, Data Governance, Infrastructure | Tags : Data Engineering, Infrastructure, Atlas, Data Lake, Data lakehouse, Data Warehouse, Data lineage
OpenLineage is an open-source specification for data lineage. The specification is complemented by Marquez, its reference implementation. Since its launch in late 2020, OpenLineage has been a presence…
19 févr. 2024

Installation Guide to TDP, the 100% open source big data platform
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Infrastructure, VirtualBox, Hadoop, Vagrant, TDP
The Trunk Data Platform (TDP) is a 100% open source big data distribution, based on Apache Hadoop and compatible with HDP 3.1. Initiated in 2021 by EDF, the DGFiP and Adaltas, the project is governed…
18 oct. 2023

CDP part 3: Data Services activation on CDP Public Cloud environment
Catégories : Big Data, Cloud Computing, Infrastructure | Tags : Infrastructure, AWS, Big Data, Cloudera, CDP
One of the big selling points of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is their mature managed service offering. These are easy to deploy on-premises, in the public cloud or as part of a hybrid solution. The…
Par Albert KONRAD
27 juin 2023

CDP part 2: CDP Public Cloud deployment on AWS
Catégories : Big Data, Cloud Computing, Infrastructure | Tags : Infrastructure, AWS, Big Data, Cloud, Cloudera, CDP, Cloudera Manager
The Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Public Cloud provides the foundation upon which full featured data lakes are created. In a previous article, we introduced the CDP platform. This article is the second…
Par Albert KONRAD
19 juin 2023

CDP part 1: introduction to end-to-end data lakehouse architecture with CDP
Catégories : Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Infrastructure | Tags : Data Engineering, Hortonworks, Iceberg, AWS, Azure, Big Data, Cloud, Cloudera, CDP, Cloudera Manager, Data Warehouse
Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is a hybrid data platform for big data transformation, machine learning and data analytics. In this series we describe how to build and use an end-to-end big data…
Par Stephan BAUM
8 juin 2023

Data platform requirements and expectations
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Data Engineering, Data Governance, Data Analytics, Data Hub, Data Lake, Data lakehouse, Data Science
A big data platform is a complex and sophisticated system that enables organizations to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data from a variety of sources. It is composed of several…
Par David WORMS
23 mars 2023

Keycloak deployment in EC2
Catégories : Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Infrastructure | Tags : Security, EC2, Authentication, AWS, Docker, Keycloak, SSL/TLS, SSO
Why use Keycloak Keycloak is an open-source identity provider (IdP) using single sign-on (SSO). An IdP is a tool to create, maintain, and manage identity information for principals and to provide…
Par Stephan BAUM
14 mars 2023

Operating Kafka in Kubernetes with Strimzi
Catégories : Big Data, Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure | Tags : Kafka, Big Data, Kubernetes, Open source, Streaming
Kubernetes is not the first platform that comes to mind to run Apache Kafka clusters. Indeed, Kafka’s strong dependency on storage might be a pain point regarding Kubernetes’ way of doing things when…
7 mars 2023

Dive into tdp-lib, the SDK in charge of TDP cluster management
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Programming, Ansible, Hadoop, Python, TDP
All the deployments are automated and Ansible plays a central role. With the growing complexity of the code base, a new system was needed to overcome the Ansible limitations which will enable us to…
Par Guillaume BOUTRY
24 janv. 2023

Big data infrastructure internship
Catégories : Big Data, Data Engineering, DevOps & SRE, Infrastructure | Tags : Infrastructure, Hadoop, Big Data, Cluster, Internship, Kubernetes, TDP
Job description Big Data and distributed computing are at the core of Adaltas. We accompagny our partners in the deployment, maintenance, and optimization of some of the largest clusters in France…
Par Stephan BAUM
2 déc. 2022

Traefik, Docker and dnsmasq to simplify container networking
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : DNS, Gatsby, JAMstack, Linux, Docker, Network
Good tech adventures start with some frustration, a need, or a requirement. This is the story of how I simplified the management and access of my local web applications with the help of Traefik and…
Par David WORMS
17 nov. 2022

WasmEdge: WebAssembly runtimes are coming for the edge
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : JAMstack, Linux, Docker, Rust Lang, WebAssembly
With many security challenges solved by design in its core conception, lots of projects benefit from using WebAssembly. WasmEdge runtime is an efficient Virtual Machine optimized for edge computing…
Par Guillaume BOUTRY
29 sept. 2022

Ingresses and Load Balancers in Kubernetes with MetalLB and nginx-ingress
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : Ingress, Kubeadm, Cluster, Deployment, Kubernetes
When it comes to exposing services from a Kubernetes cluster and making it accessible from outside the cluster, the recommended option is to use a load-balancer type service to redirect incoming…
Par Kellian COTTART
8 sept. 2022

Spark on Hadoop integration with Jupyter
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Tech Radar | Tags : Infrastructure, Spark, YARN, CDP, HDP, Jupyter, Notebook, TDP
For several years, Jupyter notebook has established itself as the notebook solution in the Python universe. Historically, Jupyter is the tool of choice for data scientists who mainly develop in Python…
1 sept. 2022

Introducing Trunk Data Platform: the Open-Source Big Data Distribution Curated by TOSIT
Catégories : Big Data, DevOps & SRE, Infrastructure | Tags : DevOps, Hortonworks, Ansible, Hadoop, HBase, Knox, Ranger, Spark, Cloudera, CDP, CDH, Open source, TDP
Ever since Cloudera and Hortonworks merged, the choice of commercial Hadoop distributions for on-prem workloads essentially boils down to CDP Private Cloud. CDP can be seen as the “best of both worlds…
14 avr. 2022

Blockchain 102: Cryptocurrencies, Wallets and DApps
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure | Tags : Cryptography, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Consensus
A lot of people own cryptocurrencies today. But holding some tokens on an exchange does not mean interacting with the blockchain. The assets you trade are only numbers stored inside the exchange’s…
Par Gauthier LEONARD
12 avr. 2022

Apache HBase: RegionServers co-location
Catégories : Big Data, Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure | Tags : Ambari, Database, Infrastructure, Tuning, Hadoop, HBase, Big Data, HDP, Storage
RegionServers are the processes that manage the storage and retrieval of data in Apache HBase, the non-relational column-oriented database in Apache Hadoop. It is through their daemons that any CRUD…
Par Pierre BERLAND
22 févr. 2022

Reliable and reproducible Linux installation with NixOS
Catégories : Infrastructure, Learning | Tags : Linux, Packaging, VM, NixOS, TDP
When using an operating system, upgrading packages or installing new ones are common tasks that introduce the risk of affecting the stability of the system. NixOS is a Linux distribution that ensures…
Par Florent MOUAFFO
8 févr. 2022

Nix introduction, main concepts and commands
Catégories : Infrastructure, Learning | Tags : Arch Linux, CentOS, Linux, OS X, Packaging, Ubuntu, NixOS, TDP
Nix is a functional package manager for Linux and other Unix systems, making the management of packages more reliable and easy to reproduce. With a traditional package manager, when updating a package…
Par Florent MOUAFFO
1 févr. 2022

Blockchain 101: Blockchains and Consensus Mechanisms
Catégories : Adaltas Summit 2021, Infrastructure, Learning | Tags : Cryptography, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Consensus
Cryptocurrencies are booming in 2021, with a market cap moving from 750 to more than 3,000 billion dollars. Let’s face it, this is mainly due to speculation. A lot of people involved do not have a…
Par Gauthier LEONARD
18 janv. 2022

Internship in Big Data infrastructure with TDP
Catégories : Infrastructure, Learning | Tags : Cyber Security, DevOps, Java, Hadoop, IaC, Internship, TDP
Job Description Big Data and distributed computing is at Adaltas’ core. We support our partners in the deployment, maintenance and optimization of some of France’s largest clusters. Adaltas is also an…
Par Daniel HARTY
25 oct. 2021

Desacralizing the Linux overlay filesystem in Docker
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Infrastructure | Tags : DevOps, File system, Linux, Docker
Overlay filesystems (also called union filesystems) is a fundamental technology in Docker to create images and containers. They allow creating a union of directories to create a filesystem. Multiple…
Par David WORMS
3 juin 2021

Build your open source Big Data distribution with Hadoop, HBase, Spark, Hive & Zeppelin
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Maven, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Spark, Git, Release and features, TDP, Unit tests
The Hadoop ecosystem gave birth to many popular projects including HBase, Spark and Hive. While technologies like Kubernetes and S3 compatible object storages are growing in popularity, HDFS and YARN…
18 déc. 2020

Rebuilding HDP Hive: patch, test and build
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Maven, Java, Hive, Git, GitHub, Release and features, TDP, Unit tests
The Hortonworks HDP distribution will soon be deprecated in favor of Cloudera’s CDP. One of our clients wanted a new Apache Hive feature backported into HDP 2.6.0. We thought it was a good opportunity…
6 oct. 2020

Installing Hadoop from source: build, patch and run
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Maven, Java, LXD, Hadoop, HDFS, Docker, TDP, Unit tests
Commercial Apache Hadoop distributions have come and gone. The two leaders, Cloudera and Hortonworks, have merged: HDP is no more and CDH is now CDP. MapR has been acquired by HP and IBM BigInsights…
4 août 2020

Logstash pipelines remote configuration and self-indexing
Catégories : Data Engineering, Infrastructure | Tags : Docker, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Log4j
Logstash is a powerful data collection engine that integrates in the Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch - Logstash - Kibana). The goal of this article is to show you how to deploy a fully managed Logstash…
13 déc. 2019

Hadoop Ozone part 1: an introduction of the new filesystem
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : HDFS, Ozone, Cluster, Kubernetes
Hadoop Ozone is an object store for Hadoop. It is designed to scale to billions of objects of varying sizes. It is currently in development. The roadmap is available on the project wiki. This article…
3 déc. 2019

Hadoop Ozone part 2: tutorial and getting started of its features
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : CLI, Learning and tutorial, HDFS, Ozone, Amazon S3, Cluster, REST
The releases of Hadoop Ozone come with a handy docker-compose file to try out Ozone. The below instructions provide details on how to use it. You can also use the Katacoda training sandbox which…
3 déc. 2019

Hadoop Ozone part 3: advanced replication strategy with Copyset
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : HDFS, Ozone, Cluster, Kubernetes, Node
Hadoop Ozone provide a way of setting a ReplicationType for every write you make on the cluster. Right now is supported HDFS and Ratis but more advanced replication strategies can be achieved. In this…
3 déc. 2019

Multihoming on Hadoop
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Hadoop, HDFS, Kerberos, Network
Multihoming, which means having multiple networks attached to one node, is one of the main components to manage the heterogeneous network usage of an Apache Hadoop cluster. This article is an…
5 mars 2019

Jumbo, the Hadoop cluster bootstrapper
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Ambari, Automation, Ansible, Cluster, Vagrant, HDP, REST
Introducing Jumbo, a Hadoop cluster bootstrapper for developers. Jumbo helps you deploy development environments for Big Data technologies. It takes a few minutes to get a custom virtualized Hadoop…
Par Gauthier LEONARD
29 nov. 2018

Clusters and workloads migration from Hadoop 2 to Hadoop 3
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : Slider, Erasure Coding, Rolling Upgrade, HDFS, Spark, YARN, Docker
Hadoop 2 to Hadoop 3 migration is a hot subject. How to upgrade your clusters, which features present in the new release may solve current problems and bring new opportunities, how are your current…
25 juil. 2018

A CoreOS development cluster with Vagrant and VirtualBox
Catégories : Hack, Infrastructure | Tags : Arch Linux, CoreOS, Linux, VirtualBox, etcd, Vagrant
Following CoreOS’s instructions on how to set up a development environment in VirtualBox did not work out well for me. Here are the steps I followed to get Container Linux up and running with Vagrant…
Par Arthur BUSSER
20 juin 2018

Lightweight containerization with Tupperware
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Open Source Summit Europe 2017, Infrastructure | Tags : Btrfs, LXD, Red Hat, Systemd, Zookeeper, Cloud, Consensus
In this article, I will present lightweight containerization set up by Facebook called Tupperware. What is Tupperware Tupperware is a homemade framework written and used internally at Facebook…
3 nov. 2017

Nobody* puts Java in a Container
Catégories : Containers Orchestration, Open Source Summit Europe 2017, Infrastructure | Tags : cgroups, Java, JRE, JVM, Namespaces, Docker
This talk was about the issues of putting Java in a container and how, in its latest version, the JDK is now more aware of the container it is running in. The presentation is led by Joerg Schad…
28 oct. 2017

MariaDB integration with Hadoop
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Database, HA, MariaDB, Hadoop, Hive
During a workshop with one of our customers, Adaltas has identified a potential risk to use MariaDB’s High Availability (HA) strategy. Since the customer selected Cloudera’s CDH 5 distribution, the…
Par David WORMS
31 juil. 2017

Exposing Kafka on two different networks
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Cyber Security, VLAN, Kafka, Cloudera, CDH, Network
A Big Data setup usually requires you to have multiple networking interface, let’s see how to set up Kafka on more than one of them. Kafka is a open-source stream processing software platform system…
22 juil. 2017

MiNiFi: Data at Scales & the Values of Starting Small
Catégories : Big Data, DevOps & SRE, Infrastructure | Tags : MiNiFi, NiFi, C++, HDF, Cloudera, HDP, IOT
This conference presented rapidly Apache NiFi and explained where MiNiFi came from: basically it’s a NiFi minimal agent to deploy on small devices to bring data to a cluster’s NiFi pipeline (ex: IoT…
8 juil. 2017

HDP cluster monitoring
Catégories : Big Data, DevOps & SRE, Infrastructure | Tags : Alert, Ambari, Metrics, Monitoring, HDP, REST
With the current growth of BigData technologies, more and more companies are building their own clusters in hope to get some value of their data. One main concern while building these infrastructures…
5 juil. 2017

Advanced multi-tenant Hadoop and Zookeeper protection
Catégories : Big Data, Infrastructure | Tags : DoS, iptables, Operation, Scalability, Zookeeper, Clustering, Consensus
Zookeeper is a critical component to Hadoop’s high availability operation. The latter protects itself by limiting the number of maximum connections (maxConns = 400). However Zookeeper does not protect…
Par Pierre SAUVAGE
5 juil. 2017

Hadoop development cluster of virtual machines with static IP using VirtualBox
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Ambari, Hortonworks, Red Hat, VirtualBox, VM, VMware, Cloudera, Network
A few days ago, I explained how to set up a cluster of virtual machine with static IPsand Internet access suitable to host your Hadoop cluster locally for development. At the time I made use of VMWare…
Par David WORMS
14 mars 2013

Virtual machines with static IP for your Hadoop development cluster
Catégories : Infrastructure | Tags : Ambari, Hortonworks, Red Hat, VirtualBox, VM, VMware, Cloudera, Network
While I am about to install and test Ambari, this article is the occasion to illustrate how I set up my development environment with multiple virtual machines. Ambari, the deployment and monitoring…
Par David WORMS
27 févr. 2013